US Games Super Sports-4 Chip labeled MP1219 MSL ^ 8014 16 buttons: player 1 and player 2 up, down, left, right, kick, pass, info, O.P. 4 7-segment LEDs 49 LEDs: 5x9 matrix with single dots on left and right, plus dots left and right of 7-segment digits 3 switches: 1/2 players, game select (football, basketball, soccer, hockey), hi/lo speed piezo TMS1100 pinout 1 R8 - buttons and LED matrix dot and digit 3 2 R9 - buttons and LED matrix dot and digit 4 (leftmost) 3 R10 - piezo 4 VDD - battery - 5 K1 - buttons and switches 6 K2 - buttons and switches 7 K4 - buttons and switches 8 K8 - buttons and switches 9 INIT - VDD 10 O7 - game select switch and LED matrix column 8 11 O6 - segment G and LED matrix column 7 12 O5 - segment F and LED matrix column 6 13 O4 - segment E and LED matrix column 5 14 O3 - segment D and LED matrix column 4 15 O2 - segment C and LED matrix column 3 16 O1 - segment B and LED matrix column 2 17 O0 - segment A and LED matrix column 1 (leftmost) 18 OSC1 - 47pF disc cap to VSS, 47K resistor to VDD 19 OSC2 - OSC1 20 VSS - battery + via switch 21 R0 - buttons and digit 1 (rightmost) 22 R1 - buttons and digit 2 23 R2 - LED matrix column 9 (leftmost) and dots 24 R3 - LED matrix row 1 (bottom) 25 R4 - LED matrix row 2 26 R5 - switches and LED matrix row 3 27 R6 - LED matrix row 4 28 R7 - LED matrix row 5 (top) Piezo hookup one lead is batt+ other lead is tied to batt+ with 1K, connects to R10 via 75492 Buttons Kick Up Info Left Pass Right Down OP Input Matrix K1 K2 K4 K8 -------- -------- -------- -------- R0 1 up 1 down 1 left 1 right R1 2 down 2 up 2 right 2 left R5 -- -- SPEED HI 1 PLAYER R8 1 kick 1 info 1 pass 1 O.P. R9 2 kick 2 info 2 pass 2 O.P. O7 game sel 1 game sel 2 -- -- game sel 1 = soccer game sel 2 = hockey game sel 1 and 2 = basketball neither game sel = football LED Layout 7-segment display left dot dig 4 dig 1 right dot R9 R8 R1 R0 a - - - f b | | | | | | L g - - - R e c | | | | | | d - - - R2+R0=left dot, R2+R1=right dot LED matrix O0 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 R2 R7 . . . . . . . . . R6 . . . . . . . . . R5 . . . . . . . . . . . R4 . . . . . . . . . R3 . . . . . . . . . R2 is column 9 and the left and right goals R2+R9=left goal, R2+R8=right goal OPLA: 3F 06 5B 4F 66 6D 7D 07 7F 6F 00 40 40 40 40 40 01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00